(I didn’t have time to write on this topic the way I intended to. Rather than an article, this is basically just a list of links and notes. Will write more here in the future.)
If you are unsure whether you want to stop aging, you should watch these two videos:
Here is a list of good websites with more information on this topic:
https://www.leafscience.org/category/concerns/ nice overview to common objections to rejuvenation biotechnology.
https://rejuvenaction.wordpress.com/answers-to-objections/all-answers-in-short/ another nice overview to common objections.
https://nickbostrom.com/fable/dragon.html a fable by philosopher Nick Bostrom that nicely demonstrates how weird we are thinking about death.
The same fable of the Dragon-Tyrant is told in this youtube video:
There are two broad classes of arguments against rejuvenation biotechnology:
- People don’t want to live longer anyway.
- If people wouldn’t age anymore, there would be massive and unsolvable problems.
objection #1: People don’t want to live longer anyway.
Will increased lifespans be boring?
Of all concerns about increasing healthy lifespans, this is the one that baffles me the most!
There will always be books to be written, art to be created, landscapes and stories to be discovered, knowledge to be acquired, skills to be mastered, games to be played, and friends or relatives in need of love and support. How could life ever get boring? Especially if we further assume that life in the future will also be “blissful”. And besides: Would you seriously rather be dead than bored??
Ending aging is unnatural?!
So what?
Life extension is really just another word for medicine: All that doctors are doing is trying to prolong life and minimize suffering. We are already prolonging our life beyond what is natural with our current medicine. We are just doing it very inefficiently. Trying to stop aging is not less natural than treating cancer with chemotherapy or using medicine and vaccines. Nothing humans do nowadays is purely natural anymore, and we enjoy the highest standard of living as a result of it.
It is sometimes argued that aging also has it’s upsides, e.g. wisdom and a long life experience. It is often subtly implied that you cannot have those upsides without the downsides (frailty, diseases, …) of aging.
However, this reasoning confuses biological aging with chronological aging. Chronological aging is simply the passing of time while biological aging is the process of damage accumulation of the body over time, which eventually leads to pathologies.
Biological Aging implies chronological aging, but chronological aging does not imply biological aging. There are, for example, some species who do not seem to biologically age at all. They chronologically age, but never “get older”.
All the upsides of aging (wisdom, long life experience..) are due to chronological aging. Biological aging, which is responsible for all the downsides of aging, is not necessary for the upsides. In fact, biological aging is detrimental to wisdom or a long life experience, since it usually entails damage to the brain.
In short: When aging is cured, one gets the advantages of chronological aging without the disadvantages of biological aging.
Too often, discussions about rejuvenation biotechnology are dominated by possible problems and the possible benefits are coming to short. That’s why here are some obvious-tangible, immediate benefits for the people undergoing rejuvenation.
benefit #1: Health! You don’t get the ill health associated with aging anymore.
benefit #2: Independence! Frailty, failing senses, weakness, and diseases aren’t good friends of independence, but they are good friends of old age.
benefit #3: Longevity! More time and energy to devote to what you love. More time to learn and grow. No worry about the right time to marry, get a job, finish your education. Being able to see what the future has in store for humanity.
benefit #4: Choice! If there was a cure for aging, you can still choose to not take it. Even after taking it, you can always change your mind and still chose to die. But you will have the choice!
Some argue that the perceived inevitability puts a certain pressure on you causing you do do things “today rather than tomorrow”. Without that pressure people would loose motivation. Similar arguments are along the lines of “Death gives life meaning! – No death, no reason to live” or “Without the biological clock ticking, people become lazy”.
But aren’t interest, passion, the will to help others, curiosity or the will to explore and learn ever new things enough reasons to get people out of bed?
The idea that you you need something bad to appreciate the good has some merits, but one needs to be careful not to overgeneralize or extend it too much without leading to nonsense. You don’t need death in order to appreciate to be alive!
Ask yourself: Do you appreciate your friends more because you know they won’t be around forever? Don’t you simply appreciate them because they are good people?
There is an ancient Greek myth about Tithonus, a mortal who was in love with Eos, an immortal titan. In order to stay together with Eos forever, Tithonus asked for immortality and his wish was granted. However, he forgot to specifically ask for eternal youth and kept aging and aging without dying. Eventually he became so decrepit, disease-ridden and demented that his life became unbearable, but he still couldn’t die.
People fearing a similar fate like Tithonus completely misunderstand rejuvenation biotechnology. The goal is not immortality but eternal youth. In fact, immortality seems pretty much impossible, since everything in the universe is finite.
objection #2: If people wouldn’t age anymore, there would be massive and unsolvable problems.
This article offers two more general answers to the general objection “Rejuvenation technologies would cause [insert problem X here], so it’s best not to go there”, where problem X is a specific objection allegedly caused by curing aging.
answer #1: It makes no sense to oppose a technology on the grounds that, in the far future, it might cause problems which we couldn’t solve today. Any problems caused by curing aging (e.g. overpopulation) will happen in the far future, when, thanks to ongoing technological and scientific progress, solutions to those problems might be available.
answer #2: The question is not: “Are the problems causes by curing aging bad”. The question is: “Are those problems so bad compared to aging?”. Aging kills ~100 000 people a day and is the sole cause for a tremendous amount of horrific suffering. Not to forget the tremendous amount of grief due to the death of loved ones. Any objection against rejuvenation technologies has to be weighted against this.
Conclusion: Let’s face it—suffering and death are hardly a solution to anything. Will the rise of rejuvenation biotechnology cause unexpected side effects and challenges? Quite possibly, because it is a disruptive technology, and as such, it has the power to revolutionize our lives. But just like other times before, we’ll figure things out as we go.